
2009-2010 momAgendas are here!

and they are not just for moms! a unique week-at-a-view format and monthly views too. space for all your appointments, plus four extra spaces per day for important areas of your life...use a space for each child to keep their games and doctors appointments organized . in the back, there is a place for notes and a removable address book!
5 stylish, stain-resistant colors left: chocolate, royal blue, lime, pink and orange
17-month calendar runs through december 2010.


Travis and Kayla said...

I love them and I want one!! I think I might send my Mom down to get me one!! =)

Stephanie said...

LOVE THEM! Can't wait to pick one up!

Lora said...

These are precious!! How much are they, and can they be shipped?

carrie helle curry said...

the larger ones are $38...and smaller ones are $36. just let me know and would be more than happy to ship it to you!